- Albanian-American affiliated school specializing in preparing students for future vocational education
The educational system is steadily improving to meet OECD standards and ranks favorably compared to other Balkan countries .
Compared to neighboring Balkan countries like North Macedonia and Romania, Albania scored equal to or significantly higher on highschool student assessment scores (PISA), excelling in Math .
PISA is an international organization used to assess student education levels through proficiency tests in math, science, and reading
Level 2 proficiency from PISA demonstrates a significant grasp on each subject; The majority of Albanian students scored close to the averages associated with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
98.7% of Albanians meet general literacy standards
40% of Albanians are bilingual & English is the most popular foreign language
The majority of Albanians are bilingual with English being the most popular foreign language
- 40 % of Adults speak a foreign language (English, Italian, German, Greek, etc)
- 60% of Youth speak a foreign language
*source: Albanian Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), PISA